For Mental Health Awareness Month in May, and MPR’s “Call to Mind” initiative: A program about “The Science of Happiness” from the Commonwealth Club of California.
Two psychologists discuss how adults and children can deal with negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Commonwealth Club and Born This Way Foundation Invite you to a conversation focused on the intersection of kindness and mental health during these unprecedented times. In this conversation, moderated by Maya Smith, you’ll hear from mental health experts, advocates and young people on the many ways the COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted our normality, how we can find ways to spread kindness while also focusing on our mental health.
Happiness may seem elusive even under ideal circumstances, let alone under current conditions that have brought normal society to a halt.
But happiness is attainable even under the most trying conditions if people learn to take a few moments to find, appreciate and open their mind to it…