Peer Navigators Addressing INtersectional Stigma to Improve HIV Prevention Among Criminal-Justice Involved Women (kINSHIP)
Project kINSHIP is funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (PI: Dauria; 1R34DA050480-01). This project aims to 1) Determine the content and structure of a peer-led PrEP screening and linkage navigation intervention (Project kINSHIP) for high-risk criminal justice involved (CJI) women; 2) Refine and test the content and structure of the kINSHIP intervention for CJI-women; and 3) Assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary impact of the kINSHIP intervention on internalized stigma and the PrEP continuum of care in a pilot randomized trial. Formative qualitative work with key stakeholders, including women on probation, probation staff, and medical/public health staff in Aim 1 will guide intervention development and testing in Aim 2.
In Aim 3, we will examine the primary outcome of PrEP service linkage and secondary outcomes such as time to linkage, PrEP prescription/initiation, and PrEP adherence/persistence. We will explore how intersectional stigma may moderate intervention effects on linkage to PrEP. The proposed study has the potential to: 1) reduce the impact of intersectional stigma as a barrier to service care engagement, 2) inform PrEP care continuum estimates for criminal justice-involved women as well as identify barriers, and 3) create an intervention suitable for large-scale efficacy testing and translation to other criminal justice settings.