Project VOICES
The VOICES Project is funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (PI Tolou-Shams; R01DA035231). This recently completed, five-year study tested the efficacy of the adolescent group-based VOICES program; a gender responsive, trauma-informed substance use intervention for girls and young women who are at risk to be or are already involved with the justice system. Developed by Stephanie Covington, PhD, LCSW, the VOICES curriculum aims to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women, providing them with a safe space, support, and tools for self-empowerment. The VOICES trial enrolled 132 girls and young women (ages 12-24) and randomized them to receive the VOICES program or a psychoeducational group (“GirlHealth”). Data are currently being analyzed to assess the efficacy of the VOICES program in reducing participant’s substance use and HIV/STI risk behaviors up to 6 months post-intervention completion.