Promotion Of Ways to Reduce Reproductive Disparities (emPOWER'D)
Project emPOWER’D (Promotion Of Ways to Reduce Reproductive Disparities) is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHO; R21HD082330). This project is a multi-part, systems-level research study that has three specific aims. First, through in-depth interviews with juvenile justice and public health staff throughout the United States, the project seeks to obtain a detailed, qualitative understanding of the facilitators and barriers to the provision of sexual and reproductive health services for court- involved, non-incarcerated (CINI) youth. Second, using a nationwide survey of juvenile justice and public health staff, the project aims to identify larger patterns of policy and system level factors that enable or hinder the development and implementation of policies and programs to improve the sexual and reproductive health of CINI youth. Lastly, results from both the qualitative interviews and nationwide survey will be disseminated to advance structural intervention and policy development.